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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Timout with....Aimee Kelly - JV Soccer

Aimee Jean Kelly was born October 5th in Oak Harbor to Jerald and Annette Kelly. Dad is active duty Navy and mom is a supervisor at McDonalds. She has a sister, Ashley, who is a junior at OHHS. While born in Oak Harbor, Aimee has not lived here her entire life, but has also lived in Atsugi, Japan and Kaneohe, Hawaii.

The 5’1” freshman is a forward on the OHHS JV soccer team, wearing #4, and also plans to run track in the spring. Her first sport is soccer, mainly due to her love of the game. She’s been playing for some time and feels her strength is her running – she has good endurance and can move around the field quickly. Her goals for this year are to get one or two goals and to improve her passing game.

Aimee doesn’t watch sports much, but will watch a soccer game if she finds one on TV. She does, however make a point of watching “House” and “Cold Case”. She’ll listen to almost any kind of music, but prefers Oldies and Christian rock. In movies, one of her favorites is “The Notebook”, followed closely by “The Parent Trap”.

In school, Aimee would like to be a straight-A student, and is on her way to that goal so far this year. Her favorite class just happens to be taught by her favorite teacher, and both are leading her to her career plans. Her favorite class is CAD and Architectural Design taught by Mr. Bender, and for a career, she really wants to become an Architect.

When asked about her most memorable moments, both sports-related and non-sports related, she was hard-pressed to think of anything. She never did come up with a truly memorable life moment, but for sports, she related an episode from a rec soccer game she was playing. Aimee and a friend were both playing defense in a game, got the ball, and the two of them started moving the ball upfield towards the other goal. Before they realized it, they had turned themselves into forwards, while the forwards had moved to defense. At the time, it was quite amusing, as it was totally unplanned that almost the entire team swapped positions during that play.

Aimee said that if she could live anywhere in the world, she would probably pick either London or Australia. She thought either place would be a great place to live.

In closing, Aimee wanted to say that she enjoys sports as it forces her to stay fit and keep her body clean, something she would like to encourage in others.

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